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Your Disaster Plan Checklist

Writer: Ruth-Ann E. ToupsRuth-Ann E. Toups

Bottled Water - Check

Extra Batteries - Check

Closed Toed Shoes - Check

Pet Crates - Check

Important Documents - ?

As hurricane season swings into gear in the Houston area we begin to consider our disaster preparedness. If disaster strikes, many of us have a plan for our family members and pets, but most of us do not have a plan for our important documents.

Our lives are becoming increasingly digital but there are still a few areas of life that require paper, such as birth certificates, passports, and estate planning documents. In the event of a flood, fire, tornado, or other disaster, we need to have a plan for these documents. One great solution is a fireproof and waterproof box or safe. This will keep the originals of your documents safe. However, what happens if you leave your home in a hurry and do not have these documents with you? What if you are injured and your power of attorney is needed?

An important additional step is making sure you have copies of your important documents that you can easily take with you. For many of us, that may mean having digital copies. Keeping a folder of paper copies that can easily be scooped up or kept with your other disaster preparedness items is also a great idea. One great benefit of physical copies is that if your technology dies and cannot be recharged you still have your documents.

When you are putting together your emergency kit this year don’t forget to create a folder of copies for each family member with important documents. Store these folders with your other essential items and remember to add them in your emergency bag.

If you do not yet have your important legal documents in place or your documents need an update, give us a call today at (832) 761-5107.


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